BELOW 100 Train-the-Trainer
Published on: March 17, 2022 3:08 pm
April 27, 2022
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Course is designed to drastically reduce law enforcement Line of Duty Deaths (LODD’s) and specifically addresses the operational areas of law enforcement that contribute to the greatest number of LODDâs, but are in large part preventable. The Below 100 program is an effort to
instill a culture of safety in law enforcement agencies that will progressively reduce national LODDâs to Below 100 annually.
The Instructor Course is a âTrain the Trainerâ course and prepares attendees to conduct Below
100 training on their own in their local area. These Instructor courses will allow police trainers
to bring this valuable, motivational, and inspirational knowledge back to their brother and
sister officers.
Training location will be the City of Newburgh. Exact location will be provided at a later date.
For additional information, please see attached flyer below.