Principled Policing – Procedural Justice – Class is filled
Published on: June 18, 2020 2:20 pm
August 12, 2020 - August 13, 2020
4:00 pm - 12:00 am
August 12, 2020 1600-2400
Town of Chester Community Center, 81 Laroe Rd. Chester N.Y. 10918
Principled Policing – Procedural Justice is the first block of training in the three part Principled Policing series. The focus of Procedural Justice is to understand and legitimize the procedures used by police where citizens are treated fairly and with proper respect as human beings.
Class size will be limited to 35 and priority for spaces will be given to Police Chiefs’ Association of Orange County member agencies. Depending on response from member agencies, seats may be granted to non-member agencies. Should seats be granted to non-member agencies, admission notice will be emailed one week prior to course.
Registration will be limited to five officers per agency per class.
Course is free for Chiefs’ Association member agencies, $75 for non-member agencies.
Venue: Town of Chester Community Center